About Us
The Rock Hill Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was chartered on September 17, 1965, under the leadership of Brother D.C. McDuffie, Polemarch, and Brother Richard F. Boulware, Keeper of Records. This meeting of illustrious men was headed by Dr. Cecil Augustus Ivory, a loyal Kappa Man and pastor of Hermon Presbyterian Church. Other charter members of the Alumni Chapter are Harvey Walker, Jr., Shepherd S. Johnson, Larry Strawn, Theodore Pearson, David Bratton, David Gardner, and Isaiah Boyd, Sr. The church parsonage of Hermon Presbyterian served as the original meeting place to discuss organizing an alumni chapter in the area.
Past Polemarchs of the Chapter are Cecil Augustus Ivory, D.C. McDuffie, Shepherd Johnson, Richard F. Boulware, Harvey Walker, W. Thomas “Dub” Massey, Willie Ware, Grover Smith, James F. Wells, Byron McClure, Ronald W. Gray, LaJuan Johnson, and Spencer Truesdale. The Rock Hill Alumni Chapter met at its original founding location until 2012. The chapter oversees Lambda Gamma, the undergraduate chapter at Winthrop University. In addition, the chapter has hosted the Rock Hill Alumni Kappa Foundation Golf Tournament since 2013. The proceeds of this tournament go toward the Richard F. Boulware Scholarship. This award was originally started by the family of the late Brother Boulware to help recognize achievement in deserving African American males who are furthering their education in a four-year college or university.

About Us
The Rock Hill Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was chartered on September 17, 1965, under the leadership of Brother D.C. McDuffie, Polemarch, and Brother Richard F. Boulware, Keeper of Records. This meeting of illustrious men was headed by Dr. Cecil Augustus Ivory, a loyal Kappa Man and pastor of Hermon Presbyterian Church. Other charter members of the Alumni Chapter are Harvey Walker, Jr., Shepherd S. Johnson, Larry Strawn, Theodore Pearson, David Bratton, David Gardner, and Isaiah Boyd, Sr. The church parsonage of Hermon Presbyterian served as the original meeting place to discuss organizing an alumni chapter in the area.
Past Polemarchs of the Chapter are Cecil Augustus Ivory, D.C. McDuffie, Shepherd Johnson, Richard F. Boulware, Harvey Walker, W. Thomas “Dub” Massey, Willie Ware, Grover Smith, James F. Wells, Byron McClure, Ronald W. Gray, LaJuan Johnson, and Spencer Truesdale. The Rock Hill Alumni Chapter met at its original founding location until 2012. The chapter oversees Lambda Gamma, the undergraduate chapter at Winthrop University. In addition, the chapter has hosted the Rock Hill Alumni Kappa Foundation Golf Tournament since 2013. The proceeds of this tournament go toward the Richard F. Boulware Scholarship. This award was originally started by the family of the late Brother Boulware to help recognize achievement in deserving African American males who are furthering their education in a four-year college or university.
Message From The Polemarch
As Polemarch of the Rock Hill (SC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. I want to say thank you on behalf of our fellow members of this illustrious chapter for allowing us to be a part of the Rock Hill and Great York County Surrounding area for the past 58 years and counting, serving in various capacities to ensure that we continue to engage with the community as well as implement chapter initiatives that help to inspire service in the public interest.
I would also like to thank our community partners for viewing us as a viable organization that prides itself on integrity, transparency, and collaboration with community stakeholders focused on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Access to help promote and encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor.
On behalf of the officers and members of Rock Hill (SC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. It is my distinct honor and privilege as Chapter Polemarch to welcome you to our website. We have been proudly serving the Rock Hill and York county surrounding areas over 58 years. We are passionate about helping build our community and promoting achievement in every field of human endeavor, especially with our area youth through our Guide right program Kappa League of Rock Hill. From our national initiatives supporting St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, to our signature Kappa Foundation event, The Annual Rock Hill Kappa Foundation Golf Klassic, we continue to have a presence in servicing and improving our community.
Thank you for taking time to explore our website and learn more about our fraternity history, chapter activities, along with the various community programs and initiatives we are involved in. Please Like and follows on Facebook (Rock Hill Nupes) to stay up to date on Rock Hill Kappas doing.
Isaiah Dunifer, Jr.
Rock Hill (SC) Alumni chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.